How To Get Your Children Back From CPS, DHS (Child Protective Services)

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ATTENTION: I am giving an introductory offer of only $27 per month for our 2 courses (reg $47 per month). Scroll to the bottom of this page or just GO HERE for the checkout page.



There is NOTHING like the feeling you get when someone comes to your door with a man with a gun and DEMANDS that you hand over your child.

There is NOTHING like the feeling you get when as soon as you give birth to your baby in the hospital, it is ripped out of your arms. And then they threaten to come and collect the rest of your children if you do not comply with their wishes.

There is NOTHING like the feeling you get when you find out that they lied to you about their power over you and they STILL won’t give you back your children.

When you try to fight back, the caseworker takes away your visitation with your children to discipline you.

They even get you so convinced that you are not a good parent and talk some into signing over their parental rights to CPS.

The feelings of being out of control are so overwhelming.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Mark off ALL that apply to you.

  • I don’t know where to start
  • I feel so frustrated and I am tempted to give up.
  • I am overwhelmed and just want to breakdown mentally and emotionally.
  • I live with an enormous fear of making the wrong decisions.
  • I feel rotten and worried that I caused my child to be taken away.
  • I struggle to stay focused and not get depressed.
  • I don’t really know what to do, I am just guessing and getting it wrong.

No wonder you are scared, confused, and angry!

They have “legally” kidnapped your children and you don’t have a clue on how to fight CPS and get your children back.

So, tell me, where are you at in your journey with CPS?

  • CPS just took my children and I don’t know what to do to get them back.
  • I have been fighting CPS for a while to get my child back.
  • CPS wants to terminate my parental rights. 

What have you tried so far to get your child back?

  • I tried my friend’s suggestions but that did not work.
  • I tried what my attorney suggested but that did not work.
  • I read a lot on the internet, but nothing I found there has worked.
  • I read some of the statutes and codes of the state but none of it showed me HOW to get my child back.

I have good news for you!

It does not matter what predicament you are in,

Our methods of getting your children back WORK!

Our methods are an accumulation of years of personal experience from not only the writer but also from many others that have gone through what you are going through right now. ONLY methods that have worked are taught in this course.

If you are just getting started on this journey, I would like to give some FREE tips on what not to do before I tell you about our online course.


I am going to show you a solution to your problem.

Our online course is going to teach you exactly


If you like the above free information you just read, you really are going to like what you read next!  I designed an online course that:

  • You do NOT have to hire an attorney. You can speak for yourself in court.
  • You do NOT have to figure out WHAT to say or even WHEN to say it. (What to say is in the course.)
  • You will NOT have to figure out what paperwork to fill out. (It is all included in the course.)
  • It has TEMPLATES for you to follow.
  • It explains it all STEP  by STEP.
  • All the hard work is already done for you!


Now that CPS took your children, you must come up with a plan on how to get them

I have that plan all ready for you! 

Keep reading and prepare to get VERY excited because what I am going to show you is the answer to all of the problems you are facing in trying to get your children back!



They Took The Kids – Now What Do I Do?

It covers the biggest mistakes parents make with CPS and the courts.

Parents are led to believe that they MUST answer all of CPS’s questions.

Hint:  NOT TRUE! They are your opponent in the legal battle. You don’t have to explain ANYTHING to them. 

There is A LOT of things they want you to believe that is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!  You need this course to guide you through this confusing time.

This course explains

  • How did CPS get the authority to take children?
  •  What should you do RIGHT AWAY? 
  • Should you tell CPS about the services you are already taking?
  • WHAT are you are being accused of?
  • What your rights are.
  • The husband and wife need to work together.
  • The problem with Teenage parents and CPS
  • What to do if you are a non-offending parent.
  • What rights do parents with disabilities have?
  • What are the different kinds of caseworkers and their responsibilities?
  • What should you do at Family group meetings?
  • What is a Case Plan and should you sign it? (Don’t make this huge mistake!)
  • Be aware of caseworker lies and forgery
  • Can CPS interview your child at their school?
  • Advice for Parents that do not speak English as their first language.
  • How to get your own copy of the investigative files.
  • What it will be like in court.
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Things you should NEVER do. 
  • STOP posting so much on Social Media (They will use it against you.)
  • Your visits with your children – What to do and NOT do.
  • Drugs and Alcohol – You do NOT have to take their drug tests unless court-ordered
  • What if you or your child has medical problems?



How To Get Your Children Back In Juvenile or Family Court

If you would like to see what else is in the rest of the course, CLICK HERE

Here is what some of our customers are saying about our method.

  I know the writer of this course personally. When he found out that CPS had taken my son over a simple dispute with my girlfriend, he helped me put together a document to submit to the court. I handed it to my court-appointed attorney just before we went into the courtroom.

The judge threw the case out because ALL of the attorneys told the judge that they felt that CPS had acted in haste in taking my child.  It took the judge by surprise! I would NOT have known what to do. I highly recommend your getting this course!

Aaron – Oregon

OMG! I have a daughter with special needs. CPS has been harassing us for over a year. I got the course and submitted the document that rescinded all of my signatures and any contracts I had made with the state, county, and CPS. I gave it to the CPS caseworker and have not heard back from them again! 

AMY- North Dakota

You have got to get this NOW!

Don’t just sit there thinking this problem will work itself out!  It will not!

The only way to get your children back now is for YOU to take action with this course!



You don’t have a moment to waste!

A BIG reason you need these courses NOW is that You are on a clock and time is running out!

You only have around 12 to 15 months to win this battle before they terminate your parental rights and adopt your child out.

Most parents end up losing their children into the system to get adopted out.

But not you! You are the smart one and are getting this course to learn HOW to get your children back.

Don’t waste another minute looking all over the Internet!


Be the hero!

Don’t waste another minute looking all over the Internet!


For a limited time Only $27 per month

(Reg price $47 per month)

Quit any time

Are you thinking of NOT getting this course?


CPS is a GIANT machine that will grind you up and spit you out as if you are NOTHING!

They have NO feelings for your pain!

You are POWERLESS unless you know how to fight them!


  • CPS simply came and took the kids.
  • Now you can get them back.
  • They then made up a bunch of lies about you and twisted the truth.
  • Now YOU are in the driver’s seat and can get your child back!
  • Did your attorney stop them?
  • Now you can learn how to get your attorney to get to work!
  • They told you that you can only visit YOUR child on certain days for a brief time.
  • With this course, you will learn how to get them back home and CPS out of your life!
  • They made you take a lot of classes, drug tests, psych evaluations and then tell you that you can not have your kids back even after you have done EVERYTHING!  
  • With this course, you can put a stop to all of these things!
  • They threatened to terminate your parental rights if you do not do exactly as they say.
  • Now you have a way to get your child back and out of their hands. No more threats!

Now you have something to fight back with!

THOUSANDS of parents are going through the same thing as you. You are NOT alone in this problem!

Only a FEW smart and motivated people such as yourself will find this information and put it to work to get their kids back.

You love your children and you took the time and energy to find a way to get them back.

You found a way to GET YOUR CHILDREN BACK FAST! This course will teach you exactly WHAT to do and WHAT to say to get your children back and get CPS OUT of your life.

Think how happy you are going to be when your children are back at home in your loving arms where they should be instead of the custody of a cold, uncaring machine.

  • Think how EXCITED your children will be to get to come home finally.
  • The tears of joy will be flowing in the whole family because you are all together.
  • No more sadness because you can only see each other for 1 to 2 hours a week.
  • No more frustration of trying to fight a giant, cold-hearted machine that sees your children as $$$$$$$$ instead of humans.
  • You can finally let go of all that pent up anger against the system because you FINALLY WON the battle.
  • You no longer are going to feel powerless against a giant machine that has no mercy.
  • Your children will now see you as the mom or dad who saved them out of the dark pit that they had no control over.
  • You can let go of the shame that you could not save them BECAUSE NOW YOU CAN SAVE THEM!

Be the hero!

Don’t waste another minute looking all over the Internet!


For a limited time Only $27 per month

(Reg price $47 per month)

Quit any time

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