Your Court-Appointed Attorney And Your Paid Attorney Are NOT On Your Side!

Your Court-Appointed Attorney And Your Paid Attorney Are NOT On Your Side!

This fact is going to frustrate you to no end.

Most parents trust that their court-appointed attorney will help them get their children back. If you haven’t noticed yet, your attorney doesn’t seem to fight for you and your child. You will find, (just like I did) that your attorney is in BUSINESS to make money. They can’t make money unless your child is on the money-making conveyor belt.

The longer they can keep your child on the money-making conveyor belt, the more they make. All they have to do is make you believe that they are doing their job. Most of the court-appointed attorneys get around $200 to $500 from the state every time they appear in court for every case they attend. You might get them for free for now, but some states require you to pay the state back in the end if you lose.

And having a Paid Attorney is NO DIFFERENT! I talk to parents all the time who have paid out $10,000 to $30,000 to a paid attorney and they still did not get their children back.

These attorneys have sworn an oath to uphold the court and the state….NOT YOU or your child!

This course will teach you how to take control of that situation and make sure that your attorney is doing it YOUR way.