What Is In This Course

What Is In This Course

You are being an investigated for alleged child abuse and neglect by Child Protective Services (“CPS”).  Every state has variances of CPS in one form or another.  Some are called DCF, DHS, DSS, DCYS, DCFS, HRS, CYS and FIA, collectively known as “CPS” for the purposes of this course.

This course will explain what to say and how to act and react when they come knocking.

Most people believe that CPS and their army of social workers are ALL POWERFUL and that you have no rights to fight back. That is not true. They are just a private membership association  that tricks people into thinking this. The truth is that they are just humans that have to go by the same 4th amendment rights as you do. The truth is that they can be held accountable whenever they go against your rights.

If you do not know your rights, then they can legally trick you into joining their private membership association through contracts with them. Then you are caught in a system that will grind you and your family up just to make money from you.

I am going to give you the red pill so that you can see the truth and stay off the CPS conveyor belt.

The above is a scene from The Matrix